Ohmaaaaaaaaaay! July 6 was my last entry here. And it's July 15 already!! I need to updaaaaaate. I'll try my best to remember all of it. :)
16th day // July 7, 2010
Can't remember what happened. Sarreh.
17th day // July 8, 2010
PE sucks. That's all.
18th day // July 9, 2010
This day we (Shiela, Gennica, Louisse, Karl, Dowy and me) went to Roxas Boulevard (?) Idk the place. Really. :)))) Pero Maynila. :D We planned to conduct an interview this day but on The Heritage Hotel, they told us that it should be scheduled.

So we didn't conduct an interview. Then we searched for Hyatt Hotel. We asked Kuya Manong Guard-slash-Security about the location of Hyatt Hotel. He pointed to a building and told us that it was the OLD Hyatt Hotel, and the new one was on Mabini. We went to the old Hyatt. And we found this.

We went to Mini Stop na lang and rested there for a while. Then MoA. Eclipse much? YAY. ♥ Went home at 7-ish. Thanks Mom for not getting angry. And when I got home, my dog was sick. Fever dude. Fever.
July 10, 2010
Boring ehy? Just took care with my doggie. :)
July 11, 2010
Went to Grand Central with Mom. Bought new stockings (with "s". Cause we bought two. One was normal Pantyhose and the other is a stay-up stocking so that I can change faster when it's P.E.). Bought some things at National Book Store and some needs of my brother for school. And my second sandals everrrr. :] Yes. It looks so great! I call it Happiness. Hahahaha.

Then went home immediately. ;) Shiro was 50-50. Then she died. Around 11:40 - 11: 50 PM. I love you Shiro. And you will surely be missed!
19th day // July 12, 2010
This day was a mess. My eyes are swelling. X_X Can't remember what actually happened.
20th day // July 13, 2010
It was fun fun!! :D Library Orientation is so fun. I love you college! Yaay! Everything's super fine. :] Except P.E.. Shit. Like yeah. UGH. Prelim part 1. UE HYMN. I really didn't know a thing!!!!! So my score is a big zerooooo. X_X It was raining hard in the evening. Brownout/Blackout started at 10pm.
21st day // July 14, 2010
No classes yeah!!! :D :D Blackout in most of cities I think. X_X Super rain and super wind. Gash! But it was good cause I slept a lot. Slept at 1am and woke up at 7pm. :) Yeaa. Then almost 10pm, electricity came back. Classes tomorrow!
22nd day // July 15, 2010
Yaaaaaay. It was great seeing my classmates again! :) Everything was so good. No dull moment. ü After class, went to Tapsilogan ni Mama Leng again. It's a daily routine! :) Orderes BarSi (BBQ + Sinangag or Fried Rice). And I added 3 extra rice! OHMY. :))))) I'm so full. :) I want to eat again!! :D And btw, Happy Birthday Bon!!
Bye. ♥

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