We went out around 2PM. Rode a taxi na walang aircon. x[ When we arrived, we went immediately to the make up section to buy Mommy's lipstick and powder. Then nag-pa-make up din si Mama. It's free when you buy make up. After that, we went up to the third floor, still on SM Department Store. We searched for pants. I really really want that acid pants (will be shown after this paragraph)!!! But it was their last piece so I didn't buy it. The hell. I was so unlucky and pissed. x(

I also searched for some cute tops that matches my taste. There's some on BUM. :D But it's quite expensive that I'd rather buy on Divisoria than on SM. I didn't search again. I was pissed. I don't want saleslady/salesman to follow me around and ask what I want or idon'tknow!!! WTH. Puh-leez, I'm gunna talk to you when I want to! >:[
Anyways, we walked around and after a while, we went back to searching for a top and bottom which I like. Then I saw this cute capri pants on BNY. :D And I saw this cute top on BUM.

We searched again but i already fell in love with the BNY capri pants. :) Then went to Jagthug and saw this major major cute top.

Yezz. Major cuteness!!! :D :D It isn't that much expensive. Top: Jagthug, P499.75; Bottom: BNY, P350.00. I was so happy back then!!
Then we went to Razon's by Guagua to try their famous Halo-halo.

I took those while we're waiting. Then the Famous Halo-halo came.

CAN YOU SEE THAT????? DAMMIT!! Major major fail compared to Chowking's Halo-halo (right). This is what you call Halo-halo??? Irregardless of the ice cream on Chowking's Halo-halo, it is still a major fail and major not-to-buy-or-try Halo-halo. And for the record? The only ingredient I tasted a lot is saging (banana). Then it has bean. Yes, just one. And this is so frustrating!! This is 85 pesos?? WTH.
After eating that Saging-con-Yelo-slash-Halo-halo, we went to the furniture section inside SM Department Store.
Then went home around 8pm. ;) Whatta fun day yesterday. Love it much. ♥
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