Hello! Imma kwento about the first 2 days of my college life.
1st day // June 15, 2010
Well, I'm pretty much excited this day. I woke up 6.30am. Went out with brother and cousin. :] Then at school, there's a looooooooooooot of people. Ohmygosh. When I came to the building, I began searching for Room 308. But my room is 305. WTFWTFWTFWTF. I went in and I accidentally didn't took the first subject - NS 104A. Gaaah!! I talked to the professor - I keep on saying teacher XD - and told her what happened. Good thing she's so kind and told me to be there at Thursday (which is tomorrow) at 9am. Pretty much boring throughout the day. :] PE was f-ing hot. Saw Carlo too. :] Rawrr. Went home early cause the Badminton professor wasn't around pa daw. But he instructed us to list down the names and student numbers. After that, I went home and cooked yema. Yumm!!
2nd day // June 16, 2010
Almost late! Woke up @ 5am then slept again. Woke up 7am na!!!!! WTFWTFWTFWTF. Gaaah. Super madali na ako.. 8am I'm at UE na. Went to Third Floor, Engineering Building, Room 305. And I said, "Fck!". Because no one was there. A student told me that they went out. Then Gianne (idk if that's the correct spelling; Edit) came. We went in and waited for others to come. Then we had 1st subject. The next 2 subjects? No professor. Ugh! Lazy much? We just laughed and laughed because Carlo was joking all the time! Then when they're planning to go out (kasi walang prof nga), a teacher came in and they immediately took a seat. We all laughed!! :))))))) Hahahahah. HRM 101 was fine. After that, we're dismissed. Went down with Dowy. :] We passed the HRM Bldg. I think? Hahahaha. We saw where we will cook someday. :] Then went outside alone cause Dowy is waiting for someone. Then he texted me, but ftw! I can't go lakwatsa. :( Sorry. But July 3. Promise. Hahahaha. Should've waited a few minutes more! :[[ Then went home. And now blogging. :))
Anyways, everything was surely fine. Except for my feet. I have plenty paltos. :((((( So sad. It hurts a lot. Anyway, it's another day again tomorrow. And I'm planning to blog every two days. :)
Well, I'm outta here. :] Need to buy some things pa. Pero I'll buy later at 3pm pa. :)
Bye ♥

*Edit: Her name was Jillian pala. Not Gianne. Tanga much.
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